Fall has officially arrived, which means Winter and cold days will be here shortly. With freezing temperatures also comes freezing pipes. Avoiding this issue is vital for maintaining proper pressure levels throughout your home and plumbing equipment. Without adequate protection and insulation, pipes that are exposed to too much cold weather could burst, leaving you with a big mess.

The pipes and various plumbing units running throughout one’s home often get forgotten about due to their lack of visibility. Unfortunately, neglecting these areas can wind up causing a lot of issues for you and family members, and it may even trigger lasting damage to your home.

Save yourself the time, money, and hassle involved with burst pipes by following some of these guidelines.

Frozen Pipe Protection - Macomb County MI - Stadler Plumbing & HeatingDrain Outdoor Water Sources

If you own a pool, be sure that it is completely empty before the cold weather starts to set in. This goes for sprinklers systems, as well. Emptying these out early in the season will allow them adequate time to dry out before freezing temperatures hit and cause issues.

You will also want to ensure that hoses and other outdoor water sources are cut off and emptied. Clear out your hoses, then store them inside throughout the snowy weather. Also, try to let everything drain out as much as possible, to ensure no excess water is stored away, waiting to cause trouble down the line.

Insulate Your Pipes

Basements, crawlspaces, attics, and garages are just a few of the many places throughout a home that should be insulated. These areas rarely see much heat throughout the wintertime, meaning they are more susceptible to burst pipes. There are various places throughout the home that may not be getting the heat needed to stay safe during cold weather, so check your cabinets, pantries, and other spots you think may need some extra attention.

As far as the materials needed to keep your pipes at appropriate temperatures, consult with an expert to see what the best fit for your home would be. The professionals at Stadler Plumbing know all there is to know about pipes, insulation, and keeping your home as safe as possible. Ask for our input today and let one of our trained experts analyze what would be best for your specific needs contact us.

Consider Pipe Relocation

While removing and relocating all of your pipes may seem like a huge task to take on, consider what you will gain from it. Once completed, you can rest easy knowing your home is much safer and that you have minimized the risk of burst pipes occurring within your home.

At Stadler Plumbing, we specialize in renovations and remodeling, making us the top choice for anyone looking to change things around. Give us a call today to see what we can offer you and to discuss the options you have. You will not regret choosing us for all of your plumbing-related needs!