Our Company Blog

How To Save Water During the Summer

Summertime means sunshine, fun, and unfortunately, increased water usage. With droughts becoming more frequent and water resources stretched thin, picking up some timely water-saving tips can help you manage those unpredictable water bills. The Stadler Plumbing has a...

Best Methods for Unclogging a Toilet

We’ve all been there...hovering over a toilet, panicking while we watch the water fill to the top of the bowl. But don’t worry - a clogged toilet is more common than you think. And with the help of a few household items and some quick thinking, you can get that...

Common Plumbing Myths Debunked

Hacks and home remedies are among the most popular categories on social media. It’s easy to pull up a YouTube video or a TikTok post that claims to offer quick and effective DIY fixes for common household problems. Whether it’s using baking soda to remove a carpet...

The 411 On Backflow

Have you ever heard of a backflow prevention device? Many homeowners are aware of these systems but have little knowledge of what they actually do. These devices are essential for the health of your water system (and therefore the health of you and your family), and...