Properly Unclogging Toilets - Macomb County MI - Stadler PlumbingEvery homeowner finds themselves facing a clogged toilet from time to time. While this is never a fun problem to have, it is not necessarily something you would need to call a plumber for. You can unclog a toilet on your own by following some simple hacks. Check out some do’s and don’ts below!


  • Do Start Simple: When first addressing a clog, start out with the most classic approach – plunging. A plunger is designed to work specifically for toilets and most clogs will come out if you utilize your plunger correctly. If you are not seeing results, stay patient, take a break, and try again in five or ten minutes. If you still make no progress, try alternative methods.
  • Do Try A Snake: A drain snake is a great tool to use for breaking up clogs and getting your toilet back to its normal state. It is designed to dig into the clog, forcing it into smaller pieces and giving your system the chance to drain out all of that debris. Be patient and careful as you twist and wind the snake throughout your drain as to not cause any further damage or plumbing issues.
  • Do Keep The Seat Down: When you are not directly addressing the clog, keep the toilet seat down to avoid anything potentially falling in and causing an even bigger blockage. This especially goes for homes with pets or kids. Dogs and small children will surely be curious what all the fuss in the bathroom is about and you will greatly reduce the chances of a huge mess if everything is sealed off.


  • Don’t Be Reckless: Make a proper assessment of your situation and the severity of your clog before trying out any hasty fixes. Rushing into something could result in an even bigger mess. For example, a baking soda and vinegar combination often works well to break down a clog, but using too much of it too quickly could result in your toilet bubbling over.
  • Don’t Use Chemicals: Many companies promote powerful chemicals that claim to quickly force out any clog. The truth is that many do not work as effectively as they claim. They may eventually wear down a clog, but it will take some time. It is not worth the cost involved, not to mention the excess exposure to harsh toxins.
  • Don’t Refuse Help: If all else fails, call in a plumber for assistance. If you have tried every trick in the book and your clog still will not budge, then you might be facing a bigger issue than you realize. If you notice any water backing up into the shower drain or the sink then this is a sign of bigger problems, as well, meaning it is time to get a professional’s help.

The experts at Stadler Plumbing are ready and able to help you with any of your plumbing needs. Visit our website today to see all of the products and services we have to offer. Then, stop on by or give us a call today to get your appointment booked!